A Research on Appropriate Plant Species for Green Facades to Reduce the Sound Level
Subject Areas : environmental managementAkram Hosseini 1 , Hashem Amini Toosi 2
1 - - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Islamic Art, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
2 - MA student in Architecture and Energy, Faculty of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Noise pollution, sound level, Building, appropriate plant, green facade,
Abstract :
Introduction: Noise pollution is one of the most important kinds of environmental pollution in urban areas and a large number of people in developing countries are exposed to it. One of the most important concepts and fundamentals of sustainable development in Architecture and urban planning is to utilize plants and vegetation in Building architecture. In a different scale in urban architecture, in recent years, sustainable cities have found that greenery is a key element in reducing noise pollution. The use of vegetation has become an essential aspect in urban planning nowadays. In densely built-up city centers, building envelope greening is often the only possibility to meet this demand. Material and Methods: The ability and potential of plants in reducing noise level is noticeable, significant and effective. It is important that which kinds of plants to be used. Two questions are selected and picked to answer as the objectives of this research, one is measuring the ability in sound level reduction of 10 different shrubs that can be used in the balconies of buildings, and second is to compare these shrubs in this potential in different sound levels. The results are presented in relevant diagrams for each shrub and different sound levels. Results and Discussion: The results show the Pyracantha had the best performance in 80db, 85db and 100db by 42db, 44db and 37db sound level reduction, also in 90db sound level, Pyracantha, Elaeagnus angustifolia, LigustrumVulgare and Yucca elephantipes had the best performance by approximately 40db reduction in sound level. In 95 db, Elaeagnus angustifolia and Althaea officinalis had a sound level reduction near to 40db and in 105db Yucca elephantipes had the best performance by 40db sound level reduction in comparison with other plant species. گوش کردنخواندن با قواعد آوایی
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