Problems and challenges facing the development of international environmental
Subject Areas : environmental low
Alireza Javadi
Seyed-Abbas Poorhashemi
Shirin Shirazian
1 - - MA in Environmental law, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch of Tehran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Environmental Law Department- Islamic Azad University- Science & Research Branch of Tehran, Iran & President of the Canadian Institute for International Law Expertise (CIFILE) * (Corresponding Auother)
3 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch of Tehran.
Keywords: International Environmental la, Sustainable development, Challenges, legal capacity,
Abstract :
International environmental law as a branch of public international law is developed through the codification and implementation of legally binding and non-binding rules developed by the international community in recent decades in terms of content, form and structure. However, despite international efforts to protect the environment, environmental challenges not only still exist, but also it has increased significantly in many areas. In fact, today's environmental concerns and threats are beyond the predictions of the experts and the scientists at the Stockholm 1972 of the First International Conference on humans and the environment. Ozone depletion, climate change, air pollution, water and soil, loss of biodiversity, deforestation and desertification are the most important problems confronting humanity today. This research by adopting a critical approach aims to study in addition to existing capacity for the development of international environmental law, to deal with the obstacles and shortcomings and to review legal and administrative gaps, provide recommendations such as internationalization of environmental protection, substantive review and structural review in these matters.
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- Poorhashemi SA, Arghand B, International environmental law, Nashr Dadgostar, 2013 (In Persian)
- Poorhashemi S. A., B. Khoshmaneshzadeh, M. Soltanieh & D. Hermidasbavand, (2012), “Analyzing the Individual and Social Rights Condition of Climate Refugees from the International Environmental Law Perspective”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 1.
of the publication of legal articles, right. (In Persian)
- Anto Donald K., (2012), “The 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the Future of International Environmental Protection”, Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 7, Iss.1
- Poorhashemi SA, Arghand B, International environmental law, Nashr Dadgostar, 2013 (In Persian)
- Poorhashemi S. A., B. Khoshmaneshzadeh, M. Soltanieh & D. Hermidasbavand, (2012), “Analyzing the Individual and Social Rights Condition of Climate Refugees from the International Environmental Law Perspective”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 1.
of the publication of legal articles, right. (In Persian)