Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Rural Solid Waste of Hormozgan Province and Methods of Management
Subject Areas : environmental managementMohammad Ali Abduli 1 , Farshid Rahimi 2 , Reza Samie Fard 3 , Mehdi Jalili Ghazi Zadeh 4
1 - PhD. Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran
2 - M.Sc. Faculty of Environmental Engineeruing, University of Tehran
3 - PhD. Student, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of Tehran
4 - Former PhD student of Environmental Sciences of Tehran University, Assistant Professor, Research centre of
Environmental Pollutant, University of Shahid Beheshti
Keywords: Management, Rural solid waste, Hromozgan, Quantity and quality,
Abstract :
Management of Solid waste goes back to ancient times. But modern and enlightened management ofwastes began from 1930. Since 1995, , in Iran studies started on the ground of “Integrated Solid WasteManagement Plan” and these studies finally led to the approval of “Waste Management Law” in 2004.Solid waste management in Hormozgan’s villages was the aim of this research. In this study, 26villages, scattered all over the province, were selected. A questionnaire addressing the current status ofsolid waste disposal in rural area was developed. This questionnaire was administered to all 26Dehyaries. Waste sampling was carried out for seven successive days in the middle of the fourseasons. On each sampling day, 65 samples of 1 m3 volume were taken from specified homes in eachof the 26 villages. Numbers obtained from questionnaires and physical and chemical analysis wereused as data to study current situation and suggesting appropriate methods for solid wastemanagement system in rural areas of Hormozgan province. Field studies showed that about 617.3grams of residential solid waste per capita is generated in selected villages every day. There are 360shops in chosen villages and total amount of commercial waste is about 3816 kg per day. The averageamount of medical waste is about 8.8 kg per hygienic unit. Waste Composition in selected villages is:putrescible materials 43.77, paper and cardboard 9.72, plastics 9.62, wood 6.20, metal 10.44, glass7.90, rubber and leather 5.58 and textile 6.79%. The main obstacle to recycling program is theunbiased collection of waste in rural area. It is recommended that for the first five year program,Source separation includes degradable matter and dry wastes (paper, plastics and metals).Source separation of other components such as wood, rubber, glass and textile can be carried out inthe second five year program. From the economical point of view, incineration with energy recoverycannot be a good alternative for rural waste disposal in Hormozgan. Due to the low volume of1- PhD. Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran2- M.Sc. Faculty of Environmental Engineeruing, University of Tehran3- PhD. Student, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of Tehran4- Former PhD student of Environmental Sciences of Tehran University, Assistant Professor, Research centre ofEnvironmental Pollutant, University of Shahid Beheshti,.J.Env.Sci,TechJ.Env. Sci. Tech., Vol 16, No.4, Winter 2015209degradable matter, land availability with low cost labor force in rural areas, low technologycomposting is recommended. The quantity of waste generated in each village is not sufficient to bemanaged separately, so a regional solid waste management must be defined to include adjacentvillages. Collection of waste must be carried out by each Dehyari in each village. Waste recovery anddisposal should be managed regionally.
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