Investigation of Pollution Dispersion in Urban Canyons Using an Approach of wind Direction and Trees Position
(Case study: Urban Texture in Isfahan)
Subject Areas :
environmental management
Seyyed Hossein Hosseini
Pouya Bakhtiari
Nazanin Nasrollahi
1 - Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.
* (Corresponding Author)
2 - MSc in Architectural Energy, Faculty of Engineering, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.
3 - 3- Associate Professor of Architectural Energy, Faculty of Engineering, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.
Received: 2015-03-21
Accepted : 2016-04-20
Published : 2019-04-21
Urban Canyons,
Ratio of Height to Width,
Direction of Wind,
CFD Simulation,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Vegetation that is commonly used in urban design has a significant impact on air quality in the urban canyons. Thus, planners should be aware of vegetation impacts. In Isfahan metropolis, though vegetation covers a considerable portion of the city, the streets are encountered with pollution problems. In this study, distribution of pollution in urban canyons is evaluated using an optimal model for pollution reduction. Method: A three-dimensional modeling software called ENVI-met along with local and sub-climatic air quality model based on CFD-computational fluid dynamics- is used to study the influence of vegetation on pollution level in urban canyons. In this study, first a sample of real field and next a simpler version of the selected area are simulated. Findings: Different parameters such as height to width ratio in urban canyons, density of trees, location of trees in the streets and gaps between the trees are evaluated. Conclusion: The obtained results show that the increase of wind velocity in the shallow valleys is at the the lower level and the absence of natural obstacles such as trees reduces the level of pollution due to the high velocity of wind at this condition. When trees are located in the center of urban canyons, pollution and tree distances are inversely correlated and pollution level reduces by increasing the distance between the trees. In the other words, the pollution that is caught by the tree canopies decreases with the reduction in tree canopies.
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Perini, K., Magliocco, A., 2014. Effects of vegetation, urban density, building height, and atmospheric conditions on local temperatures and thermal comfort, Urban For Urban Gree, Vol. 13, pp. 495–506.
Bruse, M. Simulating microscale climate interactions in complex terrain with a high resolution numerical model: a case study for the Sydney CBD area. in Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Climatology & International Congress of Biometeorology, Sydney, Australia. 1999
Lin, T. P. (2009). Thermal perception, adaptation and attendance in a public square in hot and humid regions. Build Environ, Vol. 44, pp. 2017-2026
Yang, X., Zhao, L., Bruse, M., Meng, Q., 2013. Evaluation of a microclimate model for predicting the thermal behavior of different ground surfaces. Build Environ, Vol. 60, pp. 93-104
Isfahan’s Meteorological Organization. (In Persian)
Di Sabatino, S., Buccolieri, R., Pulvirenti, B., Britter, R.E., 2008. Flow and pollutant dispersion in street canyons using FLUENT and ADMS-Urban. Environ Model Assess, Vol. 13, pp. 369-381.
Vos, P.E.J., Maiheu, B., Vankerkom, J., Janssen, S., 2013. Improving local air quality in cities: to tree or not to tree? Environ Pollut, Vol. 183, pp. 113-122.
Thomas, A.M., Pugh, A., MacKenzie, R., Whyatt, J.D., Hewitt, C.N., 2012. Effectivenessof green infrastructure for improvement of air quality in urban street canyons. Environ Sci Technol, Vol. 46, pp. 7692-7699.
Buccolieri, R., Salim, S.M., Leo, L.S., Di Sabatino, S., Chan, A., Ielpo, P., 2011. Analysis of local scale tree-atmosphere interaction on pollutant concentration in idealize street canyons and application to a real urban junction. Atmos Environ, Vol. 45, pp. 1702-1713.
Wannia, A., Bruse, M., Blond, N.,Weber, C., 2012. Analysing the influence of different street vegetation on traffic-induced particle dispersion using micro scale simulations. J Environ Manag, Vol. 94, pp. 91-101.
Li, J., Zhan, J., Li, Y.S., Wai, W.H.O., 2013. CO2 absorption/emission and aerodynamic effects of trees on the concentrations in a street canyon in Guangzhou. China Environ Pollut, Vol. 177, pp. 4-12.
Salmond, J.A., Williams, D.E., Laing, G., Kingham, S., Dirks, K., Longley, I.,Henshaw, G.S., 2013. The influence of vegetation on the horizontal and vertical distribution of pollutants in a street canyon. Sci Total Environ, Vol. 443, pp. 287-298.
Vranckx, S., Vos, P., Maiheu, B., Janssen, S., 2015. Impact of trees on pollutant dispersion in street canyons: A numerical study of the annual average effects in Antwerp, Belgium. Sci Total Environ, Vol. 532, pp. 474–483
Bruse, M., 2007. ENVI-met implementation of the gas/ particle dispersion and deposition model PDDM.
Bruse, M., 2007. Particle Filtering Capacity of Urban Vegetation: a microscale numerical approach. Environmental Modelling group,INST. of Mainz, 1-6.
Karra, S., Malki-Esphtein, L., Neophyton, M., 2011. The Dispersion of Traffic Related Pollutants Across a non Hemogeneous Street Canyin. Environ Sci, Vol. 4, pp. 25-34 .
Wania, A., Bruse, M., Blond,N., Weber,C.H., 2012. Analysing the influence of different street vegetation on traffic-induced particle dispersion using microscale simulations. J Environ Manage, Vol. 94, pp. 91-101
Perini, K., Magliocco, A., 2014. Effects of vegetation, urban density, building height, and atmospheric conditions on local temperatures and thermal comfort, Urban For Urban Gree, Vol. 13, pp. 495–506.
Bruse, M. Simulating microscale climate interactions in complex terrain with a high resolution numerical model: a case study for the Sydney CBD area. in Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Climatology & International Congress of Biometeorology, Sydney, Australia. 1999
Lin, T. P. (2009). Thermal perception, adaptation and attendance in a public square in hot and humid regions. Build Environ, Vol. 44, pp. 2017-2026
Yang, X., Zhao, L., Bruse, M., Meng, Q., 2013. Evaluation of a microclimate model for predicting the thermal behavior of different ground surfaces. Build Environ, Vol. 60, pp. 93-104
Isfahan’s Meteorological Organization. (In Persian)