Estimation of economic losses caused by fire in the Tehran Subway Line 1 stations (RS and LPS) using scenario planning technique
Subject Areas : environmental managementSedigheh Atrkar Roshan 1 , Somayeh Daneshvar 2
1 - Associate Professor. Department of Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, IR Iran.
2 - MSc in Occupational Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: HSE, fire, Tehran Subway, economic analysis,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: To employ HSE in industrial sector of Iran, evaluation of economic impacts of HSE is unavoidable. This would justify the financial costs of risk assessment and safety control for policy makers either in public and private sectors. On the other hand, considering the occurrence of fire in the subway system can cause catastrophic losses to the society. This study aimed at determining the economic losses caused by fire in Light Power Substation (LPS), and Rectifier substation (RS) in Tehran subway line 1. Method: After identification of the most important causes of fire hazard in LPSs in Tehran subway line 1 by applying fault tree analysis, economic losses caused by fire were determined using scenario techniques. Findings: The economic loss caused by fire in LPS by transformer fire scenario and 20 KV panel fire scenarios that have the highest occurrence probability, was determined to be about 3,980, and 6.410,milion Rials (based on the prices in 2012) respectively. The economic loss caused by fire in RS by transformer fire scenario and 750 KV panel fire scenarios was determined to be about 6,452, and 70,266 milion Rials respectively. Conclusion: Considering the mentioned economic costs and consequences, a comprehensive risk analysis and emergency response planning are unavoidable necessities in Tehran subway system.
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