The necessity of investment in social responsibility with a cultural pattern( case study:State banks)
Subject Areas :
Journal of Investment Knowledge
Kazem Asgari
Shahriar Azizi
Asghar Moshabaki
1 - PhD. student, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, Emirate.
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Management, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Faculty of Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2019-03-07
Accepted : 2019-03-13
Published : 2020-04-20
Tem Analysis,
Abstract :
Investment in CSR domain in organizations like banks which are profitable in nature and their existence depends on public trust of the community and customers, is essential and is rooted in the realization of cultural pattern in the field of social responsibility.Relying on the necessity of investment and by raising 3 main questions, the present research has tried to identify the CSR domains of banks, numerate the cultural features and lastly to assess the situation of banks in performing CSR according to the obtained criterion and present the four- dimentional and quantitative formats in order to explain the necessity of investment in this area.The method of this research is both qualitative and quantitative, which initially conducted a deep interview with the university and banking experts to recognize the domains and numerate the related features of the cultural and after the theoretical saturation, as a result four areas including customers, staff, community and environment were numerated and then 49 features of the cultural were extracted and classified via Tem analysis.In the next, in the quantitative part of the research,using the extractive data from the qualitative stage, a questionnaire with the Cronbach's alphaco efficient of 0.855 was designed using the available method, it was given to the experts. After statistical analysis using the mean and T test, it was found that the banks in CSR areas had weak and unacceptable performance due to lack of a cultural pattern in areas, had an unacceptable performance and havent invested in field.
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