Identifying the Effective Factors on developing a model for Supervision and Regulation of Financial Markets using Meta-Synthesis Approach
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledge
Ehsan Askari Firouzjaei
Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Financial Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran .
2 - Department of Finance and Economics, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Meta-synthesis, financial markets, Supervision, Financial Regulation,
Abstract :
After the financial crisis from 2007 to 2009, the regulation and supervision on the financial sector has undergone massive changes and became stricter. Financial institutions that were not being monitored by the time of the crisis are now under regulation and supervision, and those that were under regulation, have become obliged to comply with strict regulations. This research has designed a model of regulation for financial markets in Iran with an adaptive approach to international financial markets. Meta-synthesis method is used to examine questions in this research. Since regulation on financial markets is an important issue, there are many articles in this regard, however due to the different political, economic and legal conditions in each country, the dimensions, components, effective factors and strategies used in the regulatory process in financial markets are somewhat different and involve quantitative and qualitative studies with a broad subject dispersion. Therefore, in this research, the Meta-synthesis method is considered as an appropriate method for achieving a comprehensive combination of factors influencing the mechanisms of financial market regulation based on translation of reviewed literature. Hence, based on this, the dimensions and indicators that affect the regulation and supervision of financial markets were extracted in two separate sections.
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