Investigating the Impact of Political Communication on the Relationship between Investment Performance and Cost of Capital
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment KnowledgeHamideh Jafari yazdi 1 , Alireza Heidarzadeh Hanzaei 2
1 - MS.C. Student of Financial Management, Department of Financial Management, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran
2 - Assistant Prof. Dr. , Department of Financial Management, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran,
Keywords: Political communication, Investment Efficiency, Cost of Capital,
Abstract :
in this study, the effect of political relations on the relationship between investment efficiency and capital cost of the company was examined and tested. In order to investigate this issue, three hypotheses have been designed. To test these hypotheses, multivariate regression models based on composite data and fixed effects method have been used. The statistical population of the study according to the screening pattern and systematic elimination method includes 181 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange and in a period of 6 years from the beginning of 1392 to the end of 1397. Evidence from the model brush related to the first hypothesis proved that the efficiency of investment has a negative and significant effect on the cost of capital. But political connections do not have a significant effect on the cost of capital. Studies have also shown that political communication has a negative and significant effect on the relationship between investment efficiency and the cost of capital.
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