Assessment of Environmental Literacy among Malayer University Students Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Models
Subject Areas : environmental managementMir Mehrdad Mirsanjari 1 , Fouzieh Beigmohammadi 2 , Fatemeh Mohammadyari 3 , Fariba Hedayatzadeh 4
1 - Assistant professor Department Environmental Sciences, Malayer University
2 - Department of Environmental Sciences, Malayer University
3 - Department of Environmental Sciences, Malayer University
4 - Department of Environmental Sciences, Malayer University
Keywords: Sustainable development, AHP, Malayer University, Environmental education,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Environmental literacy is the ability to understand the natural systems that make our lives on planet possible, so in an environmentally literate society, there is a sustainable society that knows that its life depends on the environment. In this study, the level of environmental education (knowledge, attitude and practice) of students of Malayer University regarding different aspects of the environment was evaluated. Method: The method of this research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection is descriptive-survey research. The statistical population of all students is studying in the second semester of 2016 -2017. In 7 faculties of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Basic Sciences, Engineering, Literature and Humanities, Mathematics and Statistics, Agriculture, Civil Engineering and Architecture Studying. The importance and prioritization of environmental literacy indices were investigated using the hierarchical analysis decision making model. Findings: Based on the results of students' knowledge and attitude about the environment, they are at a relatively good level but it's not the same in faculties. The highest level of knowledge was in the students of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences and then at the Faculty of Agriculture. Then, the importance and prioritization of environmental literacy indicators were studied. To this end, a hierarchical analysis decision making model was used. Based on the results of the three main criteria of knowledge, attitude and practice, the highest priority was the knowledge standard with a weight of 0.69. Also, the performance criterion with weight of 0.23 and attitude with weight of 0.07 respectively had second and third priorities in terms of students. Discussion and Conclusion: Among the three criteria of knowledge, attitude and practice of knowledge criterion are the most important. Raising the weight of students' environmental knowledge and understanding of environmental degradation factors and understanding which factors are most threatening the environment in today's society are promising for having a healthy environment and achieving sustainable development. Also, the result is that students in the environmental sciences have a better understanding of the environment and related issues, Emphasizes the need to incorporate efficient environmental education throughout higher education institutions. Therefore, universities can increase the level of environmental education of the students in the training of human resources specialists and responsible for the environment to take effective steps to research the goals of sustainable development
- 1- Karimi, B., Kian, M., Aliasgari, M. 2017. Environmental Education Curriculum Design for Iran's Elementary Education. Quarterly Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, (4), pp. 9-23. (In Persian)
- 2- Ostovar, S., Shahvali, M., Samani, S. 2012. Study of Environmental Attitudes of Secondary and Middle School Students in Kish Island Schools. First National Conference on Environmental Protection and Planning, 1-21. (In Persian)
- 3- Sotudeh, H. 2009. Social psychology. Avaya Noor Publications, 271 p.
- 4- Palmer, J. A. 2011. Environmental Education in the 21st Century. Translated by A. M. Khorshiddoost. Tehran: SAMT Publication. Second Edition.
- 5- Azimi, M., Gholami, M., Ramin Azad, M. 2012. Elaboration of Environmental Literacy Indicators Based on Science Literacy Standards in the US Project 2061. Fourteenth environmental training seminar in the auditorium of the Technical Publications, Tehran. (In Persian)
- 6- Duailibi, M. 2006. Ecological literacy: What are talking about? Convergence, 39(4), pp. 65-68.
- 7- Onel, N., Mukherjee, A. 2015. Understanding environmentally sensitive consumer behaviour: an integrative research perspective. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 11(1), 2-16.
- 8- Halpenny, E. A. 2010. Pro-environmental behav-iours and park visitors: The effect of place at-tachment. Journal of Environmental Psycholo-gy, 30(4), pp. 409-421.
- 9- Zhao, H., Gao, Q., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhu, X. 2014. What affects green consumer behavior in China? A case study from Qing-dao. Journal of Cleaner Production, 63 (1), pp.143-151.
- 10- Salehi, S., Solimani, K., Pazokinejad, Z. 2015. Student Attitudes and Responsible Behaviors toward the Environment (Case Study: Students in Mazandaran Province). Two Quarterly Journal of Environmental Research, 6 (11), pp. 265-276. (In Persian)
- 11- Sabzehei, M. T., Gholipoor, S., Adinevand, M., 2016. A Survey of the Relationship between Environmental Awareness, Attitude and Pro-environmental Behavior of Female Students at Qom University. Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, 4(4), pp. 5-16. (In Persian)
- 12- Rezaei, M., Khodaei Motlagh, M. 2017. A Study of Agricultural Students' Awareness, Attitude and Behavior toward Sustainable Development. Environmental science and technology, 19 (1), pp.181-195. (In Persian)
- 13- Naderlo, S., Shams, A. 2017. Studying the knowledge and attitudes of students in Zanjan University. Environmental science and technology, 19 (4), pp. 545-557. (In Persian)
- 14- Aminrad, Z., Azizi, M., Wahab, M. 2010. Environmental Awareness and Attitude among Iranian Students in Malaysian Universities. Environmental Asia, 10(3), pp. 1-10. (In Persian)
- 15- Aydin, F., Cepni, O. 2010. University Students Attitudes tomards Environmental Problems: A case study from Turkey. International Journal of the physical Sciences, 5(1), pp. 2715-2720.
- 16- Estrada-Vidal, L., Tójar-Hurtado, J. 2017. College student knowledge and attitudes related to Sustainability Education and environmental health. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 237, pp. 386-392.
- 17- Malczewski, J. 2004. GIS-based land-use suitability analysis: a critical overview, Progress in Planning, 62, pp. 3-65.
- 18- Tian, X., Wu, Y., Qu, S.H., Liang, S., Xu, M., Zuo, T. 2016. The disposal and willingness to pay for residents’ scrap fluorescent lamps in China: A case study of Beijing, Resources. Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 114, pp. 103-111.
- 19- Bhattacharya, A., Geraghty, J., Young, P. 2010. Supplier selection paradigm: An integrated hierarchical QFD methodology under multiple-criteria environment. Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 10, pp. 1013–1027.
- 20- Azimi, M., Nazarifard, M., Momeni, R. 2011. GIS application in locating. Mehrjard Publishing House, Mehregan Pen. (In Persian)
- 21- Ghodsi Pour, H. 2006. Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP. Amir Kabir University of Technology. (In Persian)
- 22- Dizaji, M., Najafinasab, M., Shararkhah, H. 2011. Estimation of tourism value of Aylgoli Park in Tabriz using contingent valuation method. Journal of applied economics, 2(7), pp. 105-125. (In Persian)
- 23- Salehi, S., Imam Gholi, L. 2012. An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Behavior: A Case Study in Urban and Rural Areas of Sanandaj City. The Journal of Iranian Social Issues. Vol. 1, pp. 121-147. (In Persian)
- 24- Foroutan KIA, S., Porter Karouni, M., Hoseinzadeh, A., Heidari, A. 2011. An investigation into the Effect of Family on Improving Environmental Awareness: Pre-university Students of Ahvaz City. The 5th National Congress and Specialized Fair of Environment Engineering. Tehran. (In Persian)
- 25- Polonsky, M. J., Vocino, A., Grau, S. L., Garma, R., Ferdous, A. S. 2012. The impact of general and carbon-related environmental knowledge on attitudes and behavior of US consumers. Journal of Marketing Management, 28(3-4), pp. 238-263.
- 26- Shobeiri, S.M. 2017. The Role of Social Networks on the Culture of the Teachers' Environmental Val-ues and Beliefs: a case study of the telegram. Quarterly Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, 6 (2), pp. 37-43. (In Persian)
- 27- Rutsaert, P., Regan, A., Pieniak, Z., McConnon, A., Moss, A., Wall, P. Verbeke, W. 2013. The use of social media in food risk and bene-fit communication. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 30(1), pp. 84-91.
- 28- Aydin, F., Kaya, H. 2011. Secondary Education Students’ Thoughts and Behaviours towards Environment (Karabuk Sample- Turkey). American-Eurasian journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): pp. 248-256.
- 29- Safaee, S., Mirkarimi, S.H., Aghili, S.M., Abedi Servestani, A., Saeidi, S. 2017. Studying the Attitudes and Environmental Knowledge of Students in the 6th, 7th and 8th Centers in Urban and Rural Areas Case Study: Qazvin. Journal of Environmental Research, 8(15), pp. 179-192. (In Persian)
- 30- Ifgebesan, A. 2010. Exploring Secondary School Students’ Understanding and Practices of Waste Management in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 5 (2): pp. 201-215.
- 31- Soltani, A., Arbabi Sarjo, A., Dehghani Khozani, A., Rezaei, M. 2011. A Study of attitudes toward science and technology, school science and environmental issues from 3rd grade middle school students of Isfahan city’ points of view. Research in Curriculum Planning, 8 (30), pp. 74-83. (In Persian)
- 32- P. C., Dietz, T., Kalof, L. 1993. Value orientations, gender, and environmental Concern. Journal of Environment and Behavior, Vol. 25: pp. 322-348.
- 33- Rezaei, M., Khodaei Motlagh, M. 2017. A Study of Agricultural Students' Awareness, Attitude and Behavior toward Sustainable Development. Environmental science and technology, 19 (1): pp.181-195. (In Persian)
- 34- Alavi Moghadam, S., Maknoun, R., Babazadeh Naseri, A., Khan Mohammadi Hazaveh, M., Eftekhari Yeganeh, Y. 2012. An Evaluation of Awareness, Attitude and Performance of Amir Kabir University Students Regarding Environment. Sciences and Technology of Environment, 14(4). (In Persian)
- 1- Karimi, B., Kian, M., Aliasgari, M. 2017. Environmental Education Curriculum Design for Iran's Elementary Education. Quarterly Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, (4), pp. 9-23. (In Persian)
- 2- Ostovar, S., Shahvali, M., Samani, S. 2012. Study of Environmental Attitudes of Secondary and Middle School Students in Kish Island Schools. First National Conference on Environmental Protection and Planning, 1-21. (In Persian)
- 3- Sotudeh, H. 2009. Social psychology. Avaya Noor Publications, 271 p.
- 4- Palmer, J. A. 2011. Environmental Education in the 21st Century. Translated by A. M. Khorshiddoost. Tehran: SAMT Publication. Second Edition.
- 5- Azimi, M., Gholami, M., Ramin Azad, M. 2012. Elaboration of Environmental Literacy Indicators Based on Science Literacy Standards in the US Project 2061. Fourteenth environmental training seminar in the auditorium of the Technical Publications, Tehran. (In Persian)
- 6- Duailibi, M. 2006. Ecological literacy: What are talking about? Convergence, 39(4), pp. 65-68.
- 7- Onel, N., Mukherjee, A. 2015. Understanding environmentally sensitive consumer behaviour: an integrative research perspective. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 11(1), 2-16.
- 8- Halpenny, E. A. 2010. Pro-environmental behav-iours and park visitors: The effect of place at-tachment. Journal of Environmental Psycholo-gy, 30(4), pp. 409-421.
- 9- Zhao, H., Gao, Q., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhu, X. 2014. What affects green consumer behavior in China? A case study from Qing-dao. Journal of Cleaner Production, 63 (1), pp.143-151.
- 10- Salehi, S., Solimani, K., Pazokinejad, Z. 2015. Student Attitudes and Responsible Behaviors toward the Environment (Case Study: Students in Mazandaran Province). Two Quarterly Journal of Environmental Research, 6 (11), pp. 265-276. (In Persian)
- 11- Sabzehei, M. T., Gholipoor, S., Adinevand, M., 2016. A Survey of the Relationship between Environmental Awareness, Attitude and Pro-environmental Behavior of Female Students at Qom University. Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, 4(4), pp. 5-16. (In Persian)
- 12- Rezaei, M., Khodaei Motlagh, M. 2017. A Study of Agricultural Students' Awareness, Attitude and Behavior toward Sustainable Development. Environmental science and technology, 19 (1), pp.181-195. (In Persian)
- 13- Naderlo, S., Shams, A. 2017. Studying the knowledge and attitudes of students in Zanjan University. Environmental science and technology, 19 (4), pp. 545-557. (In Persian)
- 14- Aminrad, Z., Azizi, M., Wahab, M. 2010. Environmental Awareness and Attitude among Iranian Students in Malaysian Universities. Environmental Asia, 10(3), pp. 1-10. (In Persian)
- 15- Aydin, F., Cepni, O. 2010. University Students Attitudes tomards Environmental Problems: A case study from Turkey. International Journal of the physical Sciences, 5(1), pp. 2715-2720.
- 16- Estrada-Vidal, L., Tójar-Hurtado, J. 2017. College student knowledge and attitudes related to Sustainability Education and environmental health. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 237, pp. 386-392.
- 17- Malczewski, J. 2004. GIS-based land-use suitability analysis: a critical overview, Progress in Planning, 62, pp. 3-65.
- 18- Tian, X., Wu, Y., Qu, S.H., Liang, S., Xu, M., Zuo, T. 2016. The disposal and willingness to pay for residents’ scrap fluorescent lamps in China: A case study of Beijing, Resources. Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 114, pp. 103-111.
- 19- Bhattacharya, A., Geraghty, J., Young, P. 2010. Supplier selection paradigm: An integrated hierarchical QFD methodology under multiple-criteria environment. Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 10, pp. 1013–1027.
- 20- Azimi, M., Nazarifard, M., Momeni, R. 2011. GIS application in locating. Mehrjard Publishing House, Mehregan Pen. (In Persian)
- 21- Ghodsi Pour, H. 2006. Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP. Amir Kabir University of Technology. (In Persian)
- 22- Dizaji, M., Najafinasab, M., Shararkhah, H. 2011. Estimation of tourism value of Aylgoli Park in Tabriz using contingent valuation method. Journal of applied economics, 2(7), pp. 105-125. (In Persian)
- 23- Salehi, S., Imam Gholi, L. 2012. An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Behavior: A Case Study in Urban and Rural Areas of Sanandaj City. The Journal of Iranian Social Issues. Vol. 1, pp. 121-147. (In Persian)
- 24- Foroutan KIA, S., Porter Karouni, M., Hoseinzadeh, A., Heidari, A. 2011. An investigation into the Effect of Family on Improving Environmental Awareness: Pre-university Students of Ahvaz City. The 5th National Congress and Specialized Fair of Environment Engineering. Tehran. (In Persian)
- 25- Polonsky, M. J., Vocino, A., Grau, S. L., Garma, R., Ferdous, A. S. 2012. The impact of general and carbon-related environmental knowledge on attitudes and behavior of US consumers. Journal of Marketing Management, 28(3-4), pp. 238-263.
- 26- Shobeiri, S.M. 2017. The Role of Social Networks on the Culture of the Teachers' Environmental Val-ues and Beliefs: a case study of the telegram. Quarterly Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, 6 (2), pp. 37-43. (In Persian)
- 27- Rutsaert, P., Regan, A., Pieniak, Z., McConnon, A., Moss, A., Wall, P. Verbeke, W. 2013. The use of social media in food risk and bene-fit communication. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 30(1), pp. 84-91.
- 28- Aydin, F., Kaya, H. 2011. Secondary Education Students’ Thoughts and Behaviours towards Environment (Karabuk Sample- Turkey). American-Eurasian journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): pp. 248-256.
- 29- Safaee, S., Mirkarimi, S.H., Aghili, S.M., Abedi Servestani, A., Saeidi, S. 2017. Studying the Attitudes and Environmental Knowledge of Students in the 6th, 7th and 8th Centers in Urban and Rural Areas Case Study: Qazvin. Journal of Environmental Research, 8(15), pp. 179-192. (In Persian)
- 30- Ifgebesan, A. 2010. Exploring Secondary School Students’ Understanding and Practices of Waste Management in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 5 (2): pp. 201-215.
- 31- Soltani, A., Arbabi Sarjo, A., Dehghani Khozani, A., Rezaei, M. 2011. A Study of attitudes toward science and technology, school science and environmental issues from 3rd grade middle school students of Isfahan city’ points of view. Research in Curriculum Planning, 8 (30), pp. 74-83. (In Persian)
- 32- P. C., Dietz, T., Kalof, L. 1993. Value orientations, gender, and environmental Concern. Journal of Environment and Behavior, Vol. 25: pp. 322-348.
- 33- Rezaei, M., Khodaei Motlagh, M. 2017. A Study of Agricultural Students' Awareness, Attitude and Behavior toward Sustainable Development. Environmental science and technology, 19 (1): pp.181-195. (In Persian)
- 34- Alavi Moghadam, S., Maknoun, R., Babazadeh Naseri, A., Khan Mohammadi Hazaveh, M., Eftekhari Yeganeh, Y. 2012. An Evaluation of Awareness, Attitude and Performance of Amir Kabir University Students Regarding Environment. Sciences and Technology of Environment, 14(4). (In Persian)