Glomalin Produced by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi; A Key Molecule in the Sequestration of Toxic Metals in the Contaminated Soil
Subject Areas : soil pollution
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Soil Science Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
Keywords: Glomalin-metal complex, Mycorrhizal symbiosis, Soil health, Bioremediation,
Abstract :
Aim and scope: In the last few decades, contamination of the environment especially the soil by toxic metals has been increased extremely at worldwide. Entrance of toxic metals into the soil from various sources is a constant and serious threat to the health of plants, animals and human societies. Bioremediation by using of the beneficial soil microorganisms improves the remediation efficiency of the metal contaminated areas and is a suitable alternative method for substitution of current physico-chemical strategies. Methodology: Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are found in virtually all ecosystems worldwide, including in soil contaminated with toxic metals. AM fungi sequestrate toxic metals at fungal intra- and extracellular structures by different mechanisms, so in addition to reduce their toxic effects on host plant prevent from their entrance in the food chain. This study has been addressed the role of glomalin as an important molecule of the cell wall of AM fungi spores and hyphae in soils contaminated by toxic metals. Finding: The results showed that glomalin as a specific product of AM fungi, is present in the role of a heat shock protein as well a critical and main component of spores and hyphal cell wall. Conclusion: Glomalin plays an essential and key role in maintaining and improving the soil health by reducing toxicity and availability of metals for symbiotic partner of AM fungi and other organisms.
- 1- Guo, H., Luo, S., Chen, L., Xiao, X., Xi, Q., Wei, W,. et al. 2010. Bioremediation of heavy metals by growing hyperaccumulaor endophytic bacterium Bacillus sp. L14. Bioresource Technology, 101(22): 8599-605.
- 2- Hammer, E. C., and Rillig, M. C., 2011. The Influence of different stresses on glomalin levels in an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus- salinity increases glomalin content. PLoS One, 6(12): 1-5, 2011.
- 3- USEPA, 1997. Report: recent Developments for In Situ Treatment of Metals contaminated Soils, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
- 4- Soleimani, M., Akbar, S., Hajabbasi, M. A., 2011. Enhancing Phytoremediation Efficiency in Response to Environmetal Pollution Stress. In: Vasanthaiah, H. K. N., Kambiranda, D. M., (Eds.). Plants and Environment. In Tech-Open Access Publisher, pp. 1-14.
- 5- Sheikh-Assadi, M., Khandan-Mirkohi, A., Alemardan, A., and Moreno-Jiménez, E., 2015. Mycorrhizal Limonium sinuatum (L.) mill. Enhances accumulation of lead and cadmium. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17 (6): 556–562.
- 6- Wu, S., Zhang, X., Chen, B., Wu, Z., Li, T., Hu, Y., Sun, Y., and Wang, Y., 2016. Chromium immobilization by extraradical mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhiza contributes to plant chromium tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 122: 10–18.
- 7- Ferrol, N., Tamayo, E., and Vargas, P. 2016. The heavy metal paradox in arbuscular mycorrhizas: from mechanisms to biotechnological applications. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67 (22): 6253-6265.
- 8- Wright, S. F., Franke-Snyder, M., Morton, J. B., and Upadhyaya, A., 1996. Time-course study and partial characterization of a protein on hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi during active colonization of roots. Plant and Soil, 181: 193-203.
- 9- Gonzalez-Chavez, M. C., Carrillo-Gonzalez, R., Wright, S. F., and Nichols, K. A., 2004. The role of glomalin, a protein produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, in sequestering potentially toxic elements. Environmental Pollution, 130: 317-323.
- 10- Cornejo, P., Meier, S., Borie, G., Rillig, M. C., and Borie, F., 2008. Glomalin-related soil protein in a Mediterranean ecosystem affected by a copper smelter and its contribution to Cu and Zn sequestration. Science of the Total Environment, 406: 154-160.
- 11- Vodnik, D., Grčman, H., Maček, I., van Elteren, J. T., and Kovačevič, M., 2008. The contribution of glomalin-related soil protein to Pb and Zn sequestration in polluted soil. Science of the Total Environment, 392: 130-136, 2008.
- 12- Rosier, C. L., Hoye, A. T., and Rillig, M. C., 2006. Glomalin-related soil protein: Assessment of current detection and qualification tools. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38: 2205-2211.
- 13- Nichols, K.A., and Wright, S.F. 2005. Comparison of glomalin and humic acid in eight native United State soils. Soil Science. 170 (12): 985-997.
- 14- Gadkar, V., and Rillig, M. C., 2006. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal protein glomalin is a putative homolog of heat shock protein 60. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 263: 93-101.
- 15- Malekzadeh, E., Aliasgharzad, N., Majidi, J., Abdolalizadeh, J., Aghebati-Maleki, L., 2016 a. Contribution of glomalin to Pb sequestration by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in a sand culture system with clover plant. European Journal of Soil Biology, 74: 45-51.
- 16- Malekzadeh, E., Aliasgharzad, N., Majidi, J., Aghebati-Maleki, L., Abdolalizadeh, J., 2016 b. Cd-induced production of glomalin by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Rhizophagus irregularis) as estimated by monoclonal antibody assay. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 20711-20718.
- 17- Rillig, M. C., and Steinberg, P. D., 2002. Glomalin production by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, a mechanism of habitat modification? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 34 (9): 1371-1374.
- 18- Vaidya, G. S., Rillig, M. C., and Wallander, H., 2011. The role of glomalin in soil erosion. Scientific World, 9(9): 82-85.
- 19- Ferreira, A. S., Totola, M. R., Kasuya, M. C. M., Araujo, E. F., and Borges, A.C., 2005. Small heat shock proteins in the development of thermotolerance in Pisolithu Journal of Thermal Biology, 30 (8): 595–602.
- 20- Purin, S., and Rillig, M. C., 2008. Immuno-cytolocalization of glomalin in the mycelium of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40 (4): 1000-1003.
- 21- Gil-Cardeza, M. L., Ferri, A., Cornejo, P., and Gomez, E., 2014. Distribution of chromium species in a Cr-polluted soil: presence of Cr(III) in glomalin related protein fraction. Science of the Total Environment, 493: 828–833.
- 22- González-Guerrero, M., Melville, L. H., Ferrol, N., Lott, J .N. A., Azcón-Aguilar, C., and Peterson, R. L., 2008. Ultrastructural localization of heavy metals in the extraradical mycelium and spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 54 (2): 103–10.
- 23- Nayuki, K., Chen, B., Ohtomo, R., and Kuga, , 2014. Cellular imaging of cadmium in resin sections of arbuscular mycorrhizas using synchrotron micro X-ray fluorescence. Microbes and Environments, 29: 60–66.
- 1- Guo, H., Luo, S., Chen, L., Xiao, X., Xi, Q., Wei, W,. et al. 2010. Bioremediation of heavy metals by growing hyperaccumulaor endophytic bacterium Bacillus sp. L14. Bioresource Technology, 101(22): 8599-605.
- 2- Hammer, E. C., and Rillig, M. C., 2011. The Influence of different stresses on glomalin levels in an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus- salinity increases glomalin content. PLoS One, 6(12): 1-5, 2011.
- 3- USEPA, 1997. Report: recent Developments for In Situ Treatment of Metals contaminated Soils, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
- 4- Soleimani, M., Akbar, S., Hajabbasi, M. A., 2011. Enhancing Phytoremediation Efficiency in Response to Environmetal Pollution Stress. In: Vasanthaiah, H. K. N., Kambiranda, D. M., (Eds.). Plants and Environment. In Tech-Open Access Publisher, pp. 1-14.
- 5- Sheikh-Assadi, M., Khandan-Mirkohi, A., Alemardan, A., and Moreno-Jiménez, E., 2015. Mycorrhizal Limonium sinuatum (L.) mill. Enhances accumulation of lead and cadmium. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17 (6): 556–562.
- 6- Wu, S., Zhang, X., Chen, B., Wu, Z., Li, T., Hu, Y., Sun, Y., and Wang, Y., 2016. Chromium immobilization by extraradical mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhiza contributes to plant chromium tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 122: 10–18.
- 7- Ferrol, N., Tamayo, E., and Vargas, P. 2016. The heavy metal paradox in arbuscular mycorrhizas: from mechanisms to biotechnological applications. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67 (22): 6253-6265.
- 8- Wright, S. F., Franke-Snyder, M., Morton, J. B., and Upadhyaya, A., 1996. Time-course study and partial characterization of a protein on hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi during active colonization of roots. Plant and Soil, 181: 193-203.
- 9- Gonzalez-Chavez, M. C., Carrillo-Gonzalez, R., Wright, S. F., and Nichols, K. A., 2004. The role of glomalin, a protein produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, in sequestering potentially toxic elements. Environmental Pollution, 130: 317-323.
- 10- Cornejo, P., Meier, S., Borie, G., Rillig, M. C., and Borie, F., 2008. Glomalin-related soil protein in a Mediterranean ecosystem affected by a copper smelter and its contribution to Cu and Zn sequestration. Science of the Total Environment, 406: 154-160.
- 11- Vodnik, D., Grčman, H., Maček, I., van Elteren, J. T., and Kovačevič, M., 2008. The contribution of glomalin-related soil protein to Pb and Zn sequestration in polluted soil. Science of the Total Environment, 392: 130-136, 2008.
- 12- Rosier, C. L., Hoye, A. T., and Rillig, M. C., 2006. Glomalin-related soil protein: Assessment of current detection and qualification tools. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38: 2205-2211.
- 13- Nichols, K.A., and Wright, S.F. 2005. Comparison of glomalin and humic acid in eight native United State soils. Soil Science. 170 (12): 985-997.
- 14- Gadkar, V., and Rillig, M. C., 2006. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal protein glomalin is a putative homolog of heat shock protein 60. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 263: 93-101.
- 15- Malekzadeh, E., Aliasgharzad, N., Majidi, J., Abdolalizadeh, J., Aghebati-Maleki, L., 2016 a. Contribution of glomalin to Pb sequestration by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in a sand culture system with clover plant. European Journal of Soil Biology, 74: 45-51.
- 16- Malekzadeh, E., Aliasgharzad, N., Majidi, J., Aghebati-Maleki, L., Abdolalizadeh, J., 2016 b. Cd-induced production of glomalin by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Rhizophagus irregularis) as estimated by monoclonal antibody assay. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 20711-20718.
- 17- Rillig, M. C., and Steinberg, P. D., 2002. Glomalin production by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, a mechanism of habitat modification? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 34 (9): 1371-1374.
- 18- Vaidya, G. S., Rillig, M. C., and Wallander, H., 2011. The role of glomalin in soil erosion. Scientific World, 9(9): 82-85.
- 19- Ferreira, A. S., Totola, M. R., Kasuya, M. C. M., Araujo, E. F., and Borges, A.C., 2005. Small heat shock proteins in the development of thermotolerance in Pisolithu Journal of Thermal Biology, 30 (8): 595–602.
- 20- Purin, S., and Rillig, M. C., 2008. Immuno-cytolocalization of glomalin in the mycelium of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40 (4): 1000-1003.
- 21- Gil-Cardeza, M. L., Ferri, A., Cornejo, P., and Gomez, E., 2014. Distribution of chromium species in a Cr-polluted soil: presence of Cr(III) in glomalin related protein fraction. Science of the Total Environment, 493: 828–833.
- 22- González-Guerrero, M., Melville, L. H., Ferrol, N., Lott, J .N. A., Azcón-Aguilar, C., and Peterson, R. L., 2008. Ultrastructural localization of heavy metals in the extraradical mycelium and spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 54 (2): 103–10.
- 23- Nayuki, K., Chen, B., Ohtomo, R., and Kuga, , 2014. Cellular imaging of cadmium in resin sections of arbuscular mycorrhizas using synchrotron micro X-ray fluorescence. Microbes and Environments, 29: 60–66.