Strategic decision-making in the protection of special species of environmental wildlife (Case study: Endangered species - Asiatic cheetah)
Subject Areas : environmental management
shahram shiranzaei
Dordaneh Aghajani
1 - PhD Candidate of Public administration, Decision-making and Policy making
2 - PhD in Environmental Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran. *(Correspondence Author)
Keywords: Decision, Strategic Decision making, Environment, Biodiversity, Asiatic cheetah.,
Abstract :
Background and objective: Among the decisions, strategic decision-making is considered as the most valid, because such decisions are aimed at the future and the highest goal of the organization and due to the long term, they are adopted in conditions of lack of collective memory and with uncertain knowledge. In fact, the success or failure of any organization depends a lot on the strategic decisions of senior managers in that organization. Empirical findings and analyzes emphasize that strategic decisions are very important due to the effect of guiding and guiding organizational behaviors. Today, strategic decision-making is very important to prevent the spread of environmental disasters and the extinction of certain species of wildlife. The purpose of this research is to investigate strategic decision-making in the field of biodiversity and protection of the endangered Asiatic cheetah. Material & Methodology: The philosophy of this research is positivism with an inductive approach. In terms of the nature of research is qualitative and descriptive-analytical and chosen from the branch of case study. The method of qualitative data analysis in this research was by searching the literature, reviewing various texts and writings, consulting with professors and experts, the data was collected and analyzed based on observation, and conclusions were drawn from the results in future decisions and plans Finding: Currently, there are only a few of them in Iran and in scattered habitats, and dealing with its extinction has become a national and international challenge. Discussion and Conclusion: Based on the results of the research, the decision taken led to the reproduction of this type of wildlife in captivity and the strategic decisions of the organization will be effective to improve the conditions. It is necessary to use strategic information in the decision-making process of the environment. Lack of strategic information Decision makers of such wildlife cannot gain an understanding of the problem at hand and draw a clear picture of an alternative solution. In this case, it was not possible to make the right choice among these solutions, and the implementation of the final option faced serious problems and challenges. In this regard, timely strategic decisions prevent damage to this endangered species, which is at the top of the food chain pyramid, and preserve the genetics of this valuable species.
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