The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of parks and green spaces in city of Tehran (case study)
Subject Areas : Water and Environment
Hassan ali Laghai
Hooman Bahmanpour
Farnaz Heidari
1 - Tehran University
2 - Islamic Azad University, Shahrood
3 - Faculty of Environment and Energy, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Green space per capita, park, Urban Green Spaces, Environmental pollution,
Abstract :
The significance of urban green spaces –as publicdomain- in modern urban life patterns and their keyrole in land use systems, providing city inhabitantswith a place for leisure time, decreasingenvironmental contamination and establishinga closer relationship between people and urbanenvironment is distinguished. This paper dealswith the evaluation of parks and green spacesof district 8 in Tehran. The mentioned districtsuffers from shortage of green spaces and parks,although it owns enough resources and land –incomparison with other districts of city. Theoutcome of operated appraisal will be of useto urban managers and designers when theyallocate and utilize resources. In addition, thestudy explains how people use the area. Thispaper is extracted from a survey which wasconducted on the basis of theories about urbanparks, review of corresponding experiences inIran and in the world, and general comparisonbetween the main parks in the district 8 andother districts. Different scales were taken intoaccount when carrying out the appraisal study.The results are presented in two parts: quantitativeand qualitative; they demonstrate the percapita shortage of green spaces in the district 8;moreover, outcomes demonstrate inappropriatedistribution of green spaces and lack of favorableecological function especially in the second halfof the year. Furthermore, the parks do not possesdesirable level of security and on account of thisthe number of people –of different age groupusing the parks has fallen. Deficit in numberand variety of installations and equipment, andsubstandard play grounds are other negativepoints in these sites.
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