A Comparative Study of Tammuz in Arabic Literature with Haji Firooz in Persian Literature
Subject Areas : شعر
zahra aliyari
hosein shamsabadi
sobhan kavusi
1 - master student , department of arabic language and literature ,faculty of humanataes ,kosar university,bojnord,bojnord,iran
2 - .1Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
3 - 2Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Kowsar University, Bojnourd, Bojnourd, Iran.
Keywords: Myth, Dumouzi, Tamuz, Haji Firouz,
Abstract :
The symbolic presence of the myth and its re-creation in the contemporary literature of the world, including Persian and Arabic literature, has caused the innovation and richness of literature. Based on the importance and impact that myths have on the content and thought of literary works and the necessity of a comparative study of this impact in the literature of nations, in the present research, with a descriptive-analytical method, to explain the causes and methods of the symbolic use of the Tammuz myth in Arabic culture and literature and mythology. Haji Firouz in Persian culture and literature. The results of this research show that the myth of Tammuz in Arabic literature is used in a symbolic way and indicates resurrection, modernism, hope and new life, and poets such as Khalil Al-Mawahir, Bayati, Siyab, etc. Arabic has used it symbolically. On the other hand, the mythical figure of Haji Firoz has not been used in the poems of contemporary Persian poets, but in folk ballads, it has been manifested as a symbol of Nowruz, rebirth, transformation, joy, negative struggle, and return. Despite some similarities between the myth of Tammuz and Haji Firouz, it seems that rereading the texts related to the two Muzis and the similarities between him and Haji Firouz are not enough to identify the two as having the same origin, and Tammuz and Haji Firouz cannot be considered to have a common origin.
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