A Study on the Influence of Banu Amin Mystical School from Molla Sadra, Khajeh Abdollah Ansari, Feyz Kashani and Ibn Arabi
Subject Areas : شعر
Sakineh Karimpoor Baarkoosaraei
Mohammad Taqi Fa’ali
Hadi Vakili
1 - PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, Theology & Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Theology & Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Theology & Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch
Keywords: Ibn Arabi, Khajeh Abdollah Ansari, Lady (Banu) Amin, Feyz Kashani, Molla Sadra,
Abstract :
Mysticism is an epistemology based on a spiritual and indescribable state in which human feels that he has found a direct and immediate connection with the existence of his Lord; These feelings are of course a spiritual and divine beyond description and limit, during which the mystic understands the absolute essence not by argument, but by sensitivity and conscience. Seyyed Nusrat Begum Amin, known as Lady Amin (1265-1362), is one of the Iranian Shiite mystics who was acquainted with Qur'an, wisdom and mysticism since young ages. In her mystical approach, Banu Amin was inspired by famous mystics such as Molla Sadra, Ibn Arabi, Khajeh Abdollah Ansari and Feyz Kashani. In the present literary essay, the authors will enjoy descriptive – analytical method to study the extent of Banu Amin's influence from Molla Sadra, Ibn Arabi, Khajeh Abdollah Ansari and Feyz Kashani comparatively.
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