Comparative Study of some Muslim Authors' Attitude and Method on Islamic Culture and Civilization
Subject Areas : شعر
Samad Momeni
Jamshid Baqer Zadeh
Pouriya Esmaeili
1 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Education FacultyIslamic Azad University, Kangavar Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch
3 - PhD Candidate, Iran History – Islamic Era, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin
Keywords: اندیشه, تفکر اقتصادی, thought, اندیشه سیاسی, نگرش عقلانی, بینش مذهبی, Intellectual attitude, Religious perception, Economical thinking, political thinking,
Abstract :
Muslim authors have studied and researched about Islamic culture and civilization by various mind streams and viewpoints and based on their mindset and eras. The present paper intends to describe and analyze different aspects of the mentioned subject in historical research based on description and analysis. The main findings of the research show that Muslim scholars and authors have studied different aspects of culture and civilization by philosophical and canonical attitudes in order to initially show their vital and important role and keeping ancestors' heritages and finally encourage posterities to safeguard the heritage. On the other hand, some authors proposed to advance the leaders' knowledge to support scientists of different sciences and integrate the educated generation by offering them necessary facilities and meet public's needs.
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