A Comparative Study of Imagination in the Myth of Gilgamesh and the Myth of Eskandar According to Jung's Theory
Subject Areas : شعر
Somayeh Rasoulipour
Atieh Youzbashi
1 - Master of Visual Communication, Faculty of Arts, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD student in Art Research, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: اسطوره, یونگ, کهنالگو, Myth, Archetype, Jung, افسانه, Imagination, Fiction, قوه خیال,
Abstract :
From the beginning of human, the human mind has always developed imaginations in the mind that do not exist externally and have been created only within a person or persons. Myths are not history, but they are no less than history in terms of cultural value and spiritual resources. In modern times, scientists and philosophers have explored ancient myths, and other circles have been added to the chain. Myths were the best option for the emergence of imagination. The role of imagination in the emergence of imaginary images and symbols in mythology was examined by looking at the myth of Gilgamesh and the legend of Alexander in this study. The present study was conducted to determine the position of imagination from Jung's point of view in the myth of Gilgamesh and the myth of Eskandar. For this purpose, descriptive-analytical method was used and information on research necessity was collected using library and Internet methods. One of the most important findings and results is the attention to the theory of Carl Gustav Jung, who reached the key of mythology by giving importance to dreams and imaginations.
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