Application of pictorial schemas and conceptual metaphors in poetry of degeneration relying on Quranic studies
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Fereshteh Jamshidi
Ali Akbar Mohseni
1 - Graduated from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University of Kermanshah
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah
Keywords: semantics, conceptual metaphor, pictorial schema, Adaboltaff,
Abstract :
Among the aesthetic forms of rhetoric, metaphor is one of the most eloquent and efficient tools that are used more for abstract concepts to make its understanding tangible and objective, and it constantly tries to attract the attention of the audience by creating a kind of deconstruction in the meaning and words. In this way, it creates a conceptual and fundamental structure that is used to think about more abstract matters. These linguistic structures are the same as pictorial schemas. Schemas are a process of language cognitive structures created by human physical experiences in dealing with the outside world. In short, the mind is able to process the input data of the environment and to analyze and decode complex semantic concepts in the linguistic-speaking context. It is worth mentioning that in the structure of traditional ode and Quranic texts, epic poems and eloquent poems have a significant role in this regard.
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سایتهای اینترنتی
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