A Study on the Application of Bel Ma’thour Interpretation Approach in Al Meydani interpretation
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Mostafa Attar Abkenari
Seyyed Mohammad Ali Ayazi
Kazem Qazi Zadeh
1 - PhD Candidate, Faculty of Quran Science & Hadith, Law, Theology & Politics, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Quran Science & Hadith, Law, Theology & Politics, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Quran Science & Hadith, Tarbiyat Modarres University
Keywords: deduction, Al Meydani, Bel Ma’thur, narrative interpretation,
Abstract :
The interpretation of "Ma'arij al-Tafakor" has been written in an deductive way by al-Meydani, one of the contemporary Sunni commentators; one of the interpreter tools in this commentary is the application of “Bel Ma’thour” interpretation. In the present study, while explaining how the commentator uses the narrations in detail, the relationship between the mentioned approach and the interpreter's deductive interpretation style has been surveyed. This research is a type of basic research based on theoretical studies that seeks descriptive content analysis by examining documents (library collection method) by categorizing the narrations used by the commentator in terms of the content of the narrations and the source of narration, a detailed explanation of Al-Meydani's performance in the field of effective interpretation and finally concludes that the main results of narrative interpretation based on Al-Meydani interpretation are not the result of attention to reduction and are derived from the non-deductive principles of the commentator such as his theological principles and beliefs and literary attitudes. It should be noted that this research is completely new in terms of content as well as studying the relationship between narrative interpretation approach and deductive style.
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