Explanation of the reasons for the reputation of the narrative of Hafs Asim
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
farzaneh alizadeh
Sayyid Fatimah Hosseini Mir Safi
Sayyid Fatimah Hosseini Mir Safi
1 - PhD student of Islamic Azad University, Yadgar Imam Branch (RA), Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD student of Islamic Azad University, Yadgar Imam Branch (RA), Tehran, Iran
3 - Ph.D., assistant professor and faculty member of the Islamic Azad University, Yadgar Imam Branch (RA), Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Difference in Quran recitation, Quran verses, Narration, history, Ottomon Empire,
Abstract :
Differences in Quran recitation and the role of Quran recitation in understanding the book have certainly influenced the Quranic sciences to the modern age despite historical controversies. Yet, there is no consensus over the reasons for prioritizing one recitation over the others. Drawing on library studies and adopting a historical approach, the present study aimed to shed some light on the issue that ambiguity in some historical reports arises from particular Quran recitations in the Islamic world, the widespread use of Aasem’s recitation method according to Hafs , adopted as the formal recitation method in the Ottoman Empire, and the publication of the Holy Quran based on Aasem’s recitation method. Therefore, other recitation methods should be taken into account to avoid an unfair exaggerated account of the above recitation method.
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