Language and Verbal Models in Quranic Stories
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Yousef Moqaddasi
Jamal Talebi Qarehqeshlaqi
Asgar Babazadeh Aqdam
1 - Assistant Professor, Theology, Farhangiyan University, Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Farhangiyan University, Tehran
3 - Assistant Professor, Quran Sciences & Studies, Qom
Keywords: داستان, هنر, novel, Art, nature, زبان قرآن, فطرت, model, اسلوب, language of Quran,
Abstract :
If the language of religion and verbal models is mysterious and enigmatic, the aims which are leading, selection, development and evolution would be cumbersome. The present article seeks for permanent depth of Quranic models during long periods by Quranic data and philosophical analysis of elements; the aim is enjoying ideal using of discovered models of Quran in today’s texts. The applied method is librarian and the method of using Verses of Quran and noble religious texts is descriptive and qualitative. Doctrines of knowing language of Quran generally may play key role in semantics and linguistics principles.
قرآن کریم.
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