Ways to increase peace in the Qur'an and the Islamic lifestyle and its effect on raising children
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Yousef Faraji
Jafar Sadegh Yousefi
Narenj Hosseinzadeh
1 - Faculty member of Payame Noor University
2 - Master student of Maragheh Faculty of Quranic Sciences
3 - Master student of Maragheh Faculty of Quranic Sciences
Keywords: ایمان, زندگی, تربیت, Training, Faith, Peace, child, life, فرزند, آرامش,
Abstract :
Peace is one of the most basic human needs and it is emphasized in Islam, and stressors and anxiety are among the basic and inseparable issues and problems of human societies and consequences caused by it lead to the loss of peace and it is the main causes of physical diseases. Today, human beings are suffering from various family phenomena and failures, and this is when the comfort gained from the advancement of technology and technology has reduced the capacity and the disappearance of the factors of human peace. In such a case, enjoying the characteristics that increase peace is one of the obligations to increase peace, having and acting on such characteristics that its owners have more peace. In the Qur'an, having such attributes is commanded to achieve peace, so investigating such an issue is very important in order to achieve peace. This article, with a Quranic-narrative approach by studying religious books and texts, has studied and analyzed the role of increasing peace in raising children.
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