Analysis and Evaluation of Interpretive Methods and Schools: Qadr and Kowsar Surahs case study
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Najmeh Najm
Fatemeh Masjedi
Mahdi Mehrizi
1 - PhD Candidate, Quran & Hadith Science, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran
2 - PhD, Quran & Hadith Science, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran
3 - Associate Professor, Quran & Hadith Science, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran
Keywords: روش تفسیری, اختلافات تفسیری, سوره قدر, سوره کوثر, interpretive method, interpretive differences, Al-Qadr Surah, Kowsar Surah,
Abstract :
Numerous interpretations of the Holy Qur'an have been written since long time ago, which have been divided into different methods. discovering the existing plurality and differences of opinion, the audience's mind leads to the reason of this plurality in relation to a single text. The main question is that despite the acceptance of different interests and expertise of the commentators, which leads to their interpretive differences, how can this range of disagreements and divisions and multiple method be analyzed? This article compares two chapters of Qadr and Kowsar in a significant number of commentary books based on interpretive methods; An intellectual, mystical, and scientific work has been written on this subject. The result of this study indicates that a maximum of about twenty percent of the differences in the interpretation of these verses is significant, which will be reduced by taking into account the sum of differences. Moreover, the interpretive issues in these verses have not necessarily been resolved using the interpretive method of the interpreter. The method of this article is qualitative and its documentary analysis technique is based on quantitative data and abstract topics have been avoided.
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