The signs of calling for awakening and progress in the poetry of Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
javad ranjbar
karim barin
1 - Assistant Profesor of Payam Noor University
2 - Karim Barin; Master's degree in Arabic language and literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi, call for awakening and progress, attention to homeland, Nationalism,
Abstract :
Love for the homeland is in the essence of all human beings and it is an undeniable feeling so that nationalism is one of the permanent topics in poets' poetry. Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi is a poet whose nationalism tendencies and attitudes are prominent in his poetry. In fact, his poetry calls for the awakening and progress of the country. In this way, he takes advantage of issues such as the fight against colonialism and aliens, as well as honoring the status of science, art, and civilization. He sarcastically refers to the progress of the West to the people of his homeland. He pays attention to the issues of the homeland and loves his country and portrays his regret for the backwardness of his homeland in the form of abstract and metaphorical images. He complains that why his compatriots neglect their homeland while he himself sacrifices his life for his country. The present study aims to state al-Zahawi’s attention to the issue of homeland and its progress with a descriptive-analytical and library method. The results show that the poet focuses on the elements of national awakening and progress, including honoring the status of science and knowledge, resistance, anti-colonialism and patriotism.