Investigating imprisonment in the poems of Fadavi Touqan
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Peyman Memarzadeh
Masoud Bhavanpuri
1 - A member of the faculty of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran
Keywords: poetry of resistance, imprisonment, Fadavi Touqan, patriotism, anti-colonialism.,
Abstract :
The prison and its related poems have occupied a large part of resistance literature and it is a strong and efficient tactic in facing the enmities and obstructions of the enemies and their supporters that target human thought and identity Fadavi Touqan, a Palestinian writer and poet, is known as a representative and model of women's poetry in contemporary Arab literature, and has played an important role in portraying the efforts of the Palestinian people in the struggle against the Zionist occupation, especially in their imprisonment. The current research, with a descriptive-analytical approach, based on library studies, will examine imprisonment in the poems of Fadavi Touqan, a Palestinian freedom-loving poet, and will study and discuss the most prominent themes of prison in his poems. The research results show that patriotism, anti-colonialism, call to resistance, promotion of call to solidarity and stability, justice, freedom and hope, honoring the position of martyr are the most important themes of this poet's imprisonment. Paying attention to his poetic mission in awakening the nations about the Palestinian people and encouraging them to seek and seek justice, he has paid special attention and his goal is to sue and spread justice until reaching complete freedom and social establishment away from oppression.