Who is Busayri the modern era?
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
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Keywords: یوسف ابن إسماعیل النبهانی, مدح النبی (ص), الموشح, Joseph, son of Ismail al-Nabhani, praise of the Prophet (r), etched,
Abstract :
Eminent Allah has stated; the merciful prophet Mohammad is superior to believers than themselves. Therefore honoring the merciful prophet Mohammad is urgent for the Muslims in order to repel the attacks of the current era ignorance. Based on what was stated I decided to introduce a current age poet who is called the Boosiri of his era. He is the one whose most of works have been allocated to publish Islam and the eulogy of merciful and kind prophet. This research article is about a Movashah - from his works- which is the eulogy of the merciful prophet. Because I personally believe that the writers have paid less attention to this kind of poem. I hope that God makes this brief article beneficial for the readers.
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