Study of construction elements in the novel "The deputy’s Diary in the countryside"
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMajid Saleh Beyk 1 , Farid Ghaderi 2
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Keywords: الروایة, القصة, story, novel, توفیق الحکیم, عناصر الروایة, Towfigh al Hakim, The elements of the story,
Abstract :
The novel is a kind of fiction which continued walking until it became a literary genre that leads to art and humanity. And Towfigh al Hakim’s novel "The deputy’s Diary in the countryside" is a depiction of the tragedy retained, since a long time, control of the Egyptian society, in general, and the Egyptian countryside, in particular, until the divine promise of victory has been accomplished, and we saw in the current era the eradication of injustice, by a new revolution sent the spirit of happiness and hope to the structure of that society. For this, I focused my efforts in this article on a brief study of this novel following the approach here under: I commenced this article by an introduction that states briefly the most important phases included in this modern story, and a summary of the novel "Diary". After, I came to a brief explanation about the lives of "Towfigh al Hakim". Then I tried to deal with this topic studying its adaptability to the most important technical elements of short stories, namely: characters, events, time and place, and the narrative and dialogue, and I put thepoints on the letters in what it appeared to me that the author did not succeed in his report to do it; and finally I came to the conclusion taking a cursory glance at the most important results that I reached.
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