Women poets in the Arab Literature
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Mehdi Momtahen
Shamsi Vaghefzadeh
Hassan Khanjani
1 - Faculty member of the Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch(Associate Professor)
2 - Faculty member of the Islamic Azad University, Varain Branch
3 - Lecturer of Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch
Keywords: الأدب النسائی, الأدب الرجالی, الأدیبات, الشاعرات, male literature, literary women, poetess, : Female literature,
Abstract :
In 20th century, In the order of feminist liberating, an expression comes to an existence called "female literature", that in the decade at 80th and 10th in the form at :female literature critics:" casts a shadow on Arabic literature. Even though, with the Majarity at inventor and initiator women, in the field at literature, But this expression still is in doubt. And even this doubt exist is in women's writing so this is why this expression is a challenging expression among agreeing and A disagreeing. Discrepancy about this expression mostly is in this case that: Daes female literature mean that kind of literature that the females make it? Or Daes it mean that it is a kind of literature that women write that encourage the society to stand against the make wit's a kind of literature that it's subject is female. Basically there any literature called "male literature" or femle literature", or what exist is a human literature nat make or female what does this expression really mean? Feminist literature? Literary female or female literature.
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