Marouf Al Rosafi; Overview of his life and literature
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - ** Assistant Professor in Azad University of Ardebil .
Keywords: الوصف, شعراء العراق, شاعر البؤساء, سجینة الدّار, القصیدة, Description, Prose, الکلمات الدلیلیة: الرّصافی, Key Words: Al rosafi, Iraqi poets, home imprisoned,
Abstract :
Maruf Al Rosafi is one of the four great Iraqi poets. The other three are Al zahavi, Al kazemi and Al shabibi. He was born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1875. He had learned reading- writing and memorizing Quran in traditional Iraqi Schools and then entered the army college. He could not deal with the courses so had started self studies and went to religious schools. His instructor, Alus had motivated him in literature to the extent that later he had started teaching Arabic literature in a ministry in Iraq and could be elected as a candidate in Iraq’s Parliament. He had prose a Divan which was about national issues. He had passed away in 1945.
المصادر والمراجع
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