A Study on "Wild Time" Plot by Heidar Heidar
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Hadiseh Motevalli
Leila Qasemi Haji Abadi
Tahereh Chaldarreh
1 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch
Keywords: novel, الروایة, plan, الصراع, struggle, الخطة, حیدر حیدر, Heidar Heidar,
Abstract :
The authors of different eras could express the societies' problems and conditions via their writings. Stories are the tools which is applied by the author to convey their ideas. Heidar Heidar is a Syrian contemporary narrator. Wild Time novel represents author's anxiety and talks about society's values evaluation and imitation as well as avoiding these imitations and following advanced western culture and civilization. The plot is the plan which the story is based on. The author of the present research studies elements such as struggle, anxiety, crisis and solution. The outcomes show the struggle element is the most evident element of the plot amongst the logical elements of Wild Time. Social and domestic struggles are more varied than the story itself; for the novels seeks to study cultural and social issues in the form of people's relationships.
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