Symbolic Hallaj between al-Bayati and Iqbal Allahori
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMajid Yaaghoobi 1 , Firooz Harirchi 2
1 - PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature Branch, Islamic Azad University Science and investigations branch in Tehran.
2 - Faculty member at the University of Azad Islamic Sciences Branch investigations Tehran.
Keywords: الشعر, الرمز, symbol, إقبال اللاهوری, الحلاج, البیاتی, Hallaj, hair, al-Bayati, Iqbal Allahori,
Abstract :
Hallaj, facing different circumstances, is considered as a mysterious experience in the history and when he resisted the government, he met his dark fate and condemned to death. The age in which Hallaj lived was the real renaissance in Islamic thought. Massignon resembles this age with that of the fifteenth century in the West. But Hallaj was economically belonged to poor rank, and scientifically and intellectually belonged to a high rank. Hallage’s symbolic character played an important role in the modern poetry, and occupied an important space in the poem of contemporary poets like AL-Biati in Arabic literature and Iqbal Al-Lhoori in Persian literature. Since Hallaj is an Iranian character which occupied an international position, so many contemporary poets in both mentioned literatures- and in accordance with their literary ability- employed this symbolic character to express political and social events. So Al-Biati employed Hallaj as a symbol to express his suffering from being away from home and the tyranny of the government. Also Iqbal Al-Lahoori employed Hllaj,s symbolic character to express his feeling about cosmic creation, bad social conditions and his invitation to the youngs to take necessary steps to reach the real independence.
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