The Expatriation with Nazok al Malaekat
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
mehdi Momtahen
Hosein Shams Abadi
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Keywords: العصر الحدیث, الأدب العربی, Arabic literature, Iraq, العراق, نازک الملائکة, الاغتراب, The Modern age, Nazok al Malaekat, Expatriation,
Abstract :
If we take the concept of Expatriation in a broad sense, we find that it had accompanied man since ancient, ///And its guidelines has been clarified in the first instance through the binaries shown in character and subject, and thought and existence, as well as nature and spirit./// This is, in the fact of its essence, and that is not unless logical consequence of the previous equation that is called the "unity of thought and existence."/// If we come to the medieval world, we'll see that it is to take the religious character "indicating the theory of creation from the nothingness accompanied by the care"/// And the theory of creation out of nothing, is "an expression of absolute power."/// As "care" refers to superiority of human, and to distinguish man from all other creatures./// Hence arose a new bilateral that is "God and Science" the biggest share in the Islamic concept to a vast extent./// If we look for the dimensions of the experience of alienation with Nazok al Malaekat through her biography, and prose and poetry in an era more than a third of a century, we find that Nazok al Malaekat has gone through several types of alienations/// Each has its own nature and distinguished character, according to the technical phase that the poet was going through.
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