A Study on "You & Us" Article from Storm
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty Member, Arabic Language & Literature, Sistan & Balouchestan University, Zahedan
Keywords: society, culture, المجتمع, الثقافة, بناة الحضارة, مدمّرو التاریخ, civilization – creators, history – destroyers,
Abstract :
Gibran depicts two opposite groups in human society. The first group are the ones who are sympathy to others and create civilization and the second are the ones who are ebullient and unaware of others sadness and destroy the history and cause war and slaughter. The title of the article indicates analysis on the differences between happiness and sadness. Gibran shows that he is interested in expressing the details and this is the criteria of analytical thinking. Thus we come to conclusion that sadness derives from pain from Gibran's point of view. His goal of writing this book is to modify human society. His view to concepts would change depending on different times.
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