Pure Symbolism in the Poetry of Badr Shakir Al-Siab
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesKheirieh Echresh 1 , Gheis Khazael 2
1 - Member of the faculty at the Shahid Chmran University of Ahvaz.
2 - Graduate of Shahid Chmran University of Ahvaz
Keywords: الرمزیة, تراسل الحواس, التعبیر الغیر المباشر, الإیحاء, Avatar, Freelancing senses, Indirect expression, Suggesting,
Abstract :
The present article studies the symbolism in the poetry of BadrShakir Al-Siab. His literary method played an important role in leading the literature of 50s and 60s in Iraq and the whole Arab world. This article tries to express how Siab after becoming familiar with western literature and being affected by the European symbolist poets could add a new form to the contemporary Arabic poetry. He took pure symbolism to its zenith with his style. Pure symbolism has its own examples such as tendency to use colloquial terminology, or using local songs and proverbs instances of which are frequent in Siab’s poetry. Another instance of Siab’s pure symbolism is using precise adjectives. He also uses imagination which is another instance of pure symbolism.
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