A Pause with the Yemeni Present Writer, Abdelaziz AlMaqaleh, and Analysis of his Poetry
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Mehdi Momtahen
Seyyed Javad Hosseini Naniz
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Keywords: الأدیب, الحب, الشعر, المقالح, الوطن, الیمن, الأدب المعاصر, Writer, Love, poetry, AlMaqaleh, Homeland, Yemen,
Abstract :
The writer and professor Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh is considered one of the most contemporary writers of and outside Yemen and especially in the field of poetry and literary criticism and teaching university but he also has other literary works and intellectual and political writings and has columns in newspapers and magazines in Yemen and other Arab countries. He also sang a verse of poetry in various purposes of the poetry, therefore, we find his divans, poetry collections, dealing with a variety of topics such as: praise and lamentation and the description and asceticism and mysticism, and the play and dram and the patriots and the prose poem and that to the purposes of poetry, we also note the influence of the Koran and the sciences, religion and the environment in which he lives on his poems where he used the allusion and the quotation best. On the other hand, the poet, Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh, was an epic self who worked hard in the passing of his poetry from lyrics to metaphysical poetry, a patriot who chooses a national patriotism by hiding the direct superficial meaning of this love and improving it, and from historic event to the deep dream through nostalgia for the past and its resurrection and he regarded it as a lost paradise like his lost childhood.
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موقع عبدالعزیز المقالح www.al-maqaleh.net