The image of the heroes of resistance in the ritual of Mozaffar al-Nawab's poems
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Mehdi Shahrokh
Abolhassan Amin Moghaddasi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Mazandaran University, Iran
2 - Professor of Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran
Keywords: الشعر العربی المعاصر, Resistance Literature, Arabic Contemporary Poetry, مظفر النواب, الأدب المقاوم, البطولة الإسلامیة, Mozaffar al-Nawab, Islamic heroism,
Abstract :
Mozaffar al-Nawab, an Iraqi contemporary left-wing Shiite poet, has never praised a king or a rich man in his poems, rather, the heroes summoned in his poems are mainly people and poor people who have been oppressed, or are martyred commanders for whom Mozaffar has not demanded worldly wealth, position or purpose, or even the intercession of the Hereafter. This article seeks to name the most important resilient personalities called in the poems of Mozaffar al-Nawab and to express the position of al-Nawab towards them. The results of this study show that most of these personalities have sacrificed their most important capital, i,e their lives, for the sake of their lofty goals, and have been martyred or killed by their own will. In the view of the Nawab, they are all extraordinary men who have a kind of unparalleled struggle and courage in defending the right and fighting the wrong. Al-Nawab has a trans-factional view to these characters.
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Electronic situations
Archive of Qanat al-Manar al-Lebnanita, (26/11/2014), Amaliyat Al-Raerat Al-Sharaeiya Zedd Esraeil Tarikh Al-Batula
Al-Navab Mozaffar, 21/8/2006, Ode of Kahreman, Iraqi Time: