A study of the morphological constructions And their meanings (in the words of the Holy Qur'an as an example) based on the opinions of commentators
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesZahra Salimi 1 , Alireza Nazari 2
1 - PhD graduate from Imam Khomeini International University, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Qazvin
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Qazvin
Keywords: Holy Quran, القرآن الکریم, Meaning, Inflection, الدلالة, التصریف, الأبنیة الصرفیة, morphological structures,
Abstract :
According to the importance of morphological structure in Arabic to understand the meaning of words and phrases, we examine a comparative study of common words to examine the effect of this structure on semantic differences in the Qur'an because differences in meanings in the Holy Qur'an can be the result of this morphological difference. And understanding the general meaning of the phrase or the general meaning of the sentence and phrase at the level of action requires familiarity with morphological structures and its importance is revealed in the shadow of understanding the text of the Qur'an and discovering its rhetorical secrets. Within the subject of the article, we want to understand why the Holy Quran has used a specific morphological structure and in one verse, it has used another morphological structure in another verse, and what is the difference in their relational meaning. This article tries to investigate the difference between the intended meanings according to the morphological structures based on the descriptive-analytical method. Among the results of this discussion are that each morphological structure has a meaning in its heart that other structures don't have it and this indicates the accuracy and clarity in expressing the Qur'anic meanings, and what requires the use of a particular structure is the same communication meaning and effect of rhetoric and aesthetics of phrase.
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