Identifying and explaining the components of teachers' ethical behavior in the education process with an emphasis on the dimensions of teacher knowledge
Subject Areas :
reza masouminejad
gahraman madadlou
shahla babaie
zahra babaie
delangiz shami
1 - Lecturer at Farhangian University
Ministry of Education
2 - Faculty of Farhangian University
3 - Graduated with a PhD in Arabic literature Secretary of Education
4 - Masters student Secretary of Education
5 - Bachelor student of elementary education
Keywords: ethical behavior, Education Process, Teacher knowledge,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of teachers' ethical behavior and explain it according to the multiple dimensions of teacher knowledge in the process of education students. The qualitative research approach was a conventional content analysis method with a self-conceptual nature. The study participants were teachers in Khoy and Chaipareh counties in the academic year 1399-1400, of which 23 were selected through purposive sampling of index type. In this regard, semi-structured interviews were conducted and the sampling process continued until complete data saturation. To validate the findings, the researcher's self-review method and Checking participants were used, and to determine the reliability of the data, a parallel survey of coders was used. The findings showed that the 7 main themes of teachers' ethical behavior in the educational process include self-identity, educational purposefulness, typical coexistence, moral realism, cognitive belonging, contingency activism and educational well-being with 24 sub-themes and 171 The basic code is to implement a variety of teacher knowledge in the classroom. The results showed that the seven components, as aspects of teachers' knowledge in the teaching and learning process, reflect the ethical nature of their behavior in educational situations that can meet the expectations of the stakeholder community regarding the characteristics of an effective teacher and put them into practice.
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