Recognizing the folk tale the Prodigy and the Veiled
Subject Areas : Fiction (with literary and artistic features)
Ronak Zarza
Ali Mohammad Poshtdar
Asieh Zabihnia Emran
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, , Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: theme, Monster and veiled, Ethics, Hamed bin Fazlullah Sarakhsi,
Abstract :
Prodigy and Veil is one of the folk tales that was compiled in the seventh century. In this literary text, the two narrators narrate twenty stories in ten days, all of which have a moral content, a house plan and civil policy. This research tries to answer the question; what is the type of narration and the most significant types of themes and ideology of the stories of the Prodigy and the Veil in a descriptive-analytical way which is based on a theoretical framework. According to the achievements of research, moral and educational issues are taught in the form of tangible and objective examples and allegories in each of these works to increase the rate of learning and its persistence in the mind of the audience. Prodigy and veiled (Ojoobeh and Mahjoobeh) belong to the group of Iranian long stories. The aim and intention of Hamid Ibn Fazlullah Sarakhsi in the story of the (Monster) prodigy and the veiled is to convey the message of family, social and human values to the audience. In this regard, the styles of elements used in the construction of the story is all simple and uncomplicated. Admonition and learning is one of the salient features of this story. It seems that this story was created only to express a moral principle or a wise advice.
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