Verbal similarity of Hafez Shirazi and Mir Kermanis poems
Subject Areas : Stylistics (with literary and artistic features)
Hesam Khaloie
Hamidreza Kharazmi
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: Mir Kermani, Hafez Shirazi, Iraqi style, Poetry, Ghazal.,
Abstract :
Verbal similarity of Hafez Shirazi and Mir Kermani's poems Mir Kermani, a poet of the eighth century, was born awhile before Hafez Shirazi. These two poets must have experienced common social and political experiences during the reign of Amir-Mu'baz al-Din Muhammad. Mir Kermani's elderly age coincided with the early life of Hafez. Mir, who was influenced by Saadi's enchanting words, was able to get close to Saadi’s mindset and language. On the other hand, he has taken steps during the evolution of the fusion lyric, which is a mixture of love and mysticism. This stream of poetry, which Hafez favored, was able to influence the lyric and semantic aspects of his poems. The main question of this research is to what extent the poems of Mir Kermani and Hafez Shirazi are literally close to each other, and do the common images of these two poets have examples in Persian poetic traditions? In this research, by referring to the poems of Mir Kermani and Hafez Shirazi, common themes and meanings are discussed. Studies show many similarities in terms of meanings and themes in the poetry of these two poets; however, the magic of Hafez's words has made the themes more stunning and glorious.
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