Investigating and Analyzing the Role of Dialogue Structure and Content in the Process of Siavash's Story
Subject Areas : Epic (with literary and artistic features)
Elham Azadeh Ranjbar
Hossein Bayat
Naser Qoli Sarli
Bahadur Bagheri
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: story, character, dialogue, Ferdowsi, Siavash story, Dialogue. Keywords: Ferdowsi, Siavash,
Abstract :
The subject of the present article is the study and analysis of the narrative element of dialogue in Siavash's story. The story begins with a conversation between Toos and Giv, who has found Siavash's mother, and ends with a conversation between Siavash and Pilsem, the elder brother, who asks him to convey his message to the elders. Therefore, Siavash's story is basically dialogue-based and all the information that the story is supposed to provide to the reader is transmitted to him through dialogue. In addition to this dialogue, in relation to other elements of the story, its different functions reveals. Ferdowsi uses it to describe and introduce the characters of the story. Shows narrative actions and conflicts, indirectly presents its idealistic thoughts to the audience. It objectifies mental phenomena, points tothe psychological problem of mental connection and language, and shows in practice that the functions of dialogue cannot and should not be neglected in the study of the story. The data of this research are provided through library studies and after classification, they are described using analytical method. This research shows more than anything that Ferdowsi, as a storyteller, not only knows the elements of the story, but is also more aware of how they work.
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