Archetype of Transcendence in the Symbolic Work of Dar Pase Ayneh (Behind the Mirror) by Pouran Farrokhzad
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Malihe Hadidi
Sharbanoo Sahabi
Jalil Amirpour Dariani
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shabest branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabest, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shabester Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabester, Iran.
Keywords: farrokhzad, Behind the Mirror, individuation process, Jung, Archetype,
Abstract :
Many individual and collective human movements have an archetype in the collective unconscious and lead the individual to a specific goal. One of these thoughts is transcendence or reaching perfection, which is natural. Jung calls this effort or journey into the unconscious, which is transcendental the "process of individuation." This process is considered in the world nations literary works as the flow of archetypes from the darkness of the collective unconscious to the individual unconscious. The main theme of Farrokhzad's story "Behind the Mirror" is perfectionism and transcendence, which is achieved in a symbolic, external and internal process. This article shows analytically that Tuti, does not tolerate the artificial rules, and thus achieves the necessary identity, awareness and independence during the journey. In this journey (process of individuation) or mental journey (in the subconscious), the "hero" has to recognize a number of "archetypes" that appear in the story at different stages of the process with intensity and weakness. In order to achieve wholeness and self-knowledge, the hero removes the false "mask" of his false personality and, by knowing (anima / animus) and its positive and negative aspects, succeeds in discovering its stages. Then, with the guidance of "old wise man" and the struggle against various aspects of "shadow", he passes through the difficult stage of "death and rebirth" and guides the pilgrims of salvation with the wise guide.
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