Check stylistic features of Dor-Sokhan gheyas
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Mohammad Hossein Karami
Mohammad Reza Taghieh
1 - Shiraz University, Professor of Persian Language and Literature.
2 - Department of Persian Language and Literature Eghlid Branch, Islamic Azad University, Eghlid, Iran
Keywords: قرن هشتم, ویژگیهای سبکی, غیاثالدین بحرآبادی, دُرِّسخن, پیروی گلستان, gheyas al-Din Bahrabadi, Dor-Sokhan, stylistic features, follow Golestan, the eighth-century,
Abstract :
Dor-Sokhan trace is mixed to order that's in the eighth century Ah by gheyas al-Din Bahrabadi e-Hamouie to Golestan Sa'di has been writing emulation of this effect, between the years Of the 739-750 e. Ah, that eighty-three and ninety-four years after the Golestan Sa'di, and writing in the same style, can be written to after effects Nozhat al-Arvah e-Amiri Hosseini in the 711, Rozeh e-Khold in the 733 and in 735 and Negarestan e-Joveyni it published the fourth effect written duplication of Golestan historically know. Although the book, be equal with the words of fine Sa'di, but traces of baked, deliberate, beautiful, simple and useful. This article is a short introduction on the way the author and his book, the characteristics of the effect of light Dor-Sokhan review gheyas. first, it means that the author of "Aboalfatouh gheyas Hamouie", for pseudonym, Dor-Sokhan gheyas" and the book and the information is lost. Read the article, "Dor-Sokhan gheyas" style features, investigated. Since the text of the book is educational, moral and spiritual, mental and simple manner, sometimes with the attitude and balancing and verbal and sensible industry is adorned and unknown vocabulary-difficult and it has been handled.
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