The Role of Media Consumption in Life Skills (Case of Study: The Amount and Type of Using the Internet and Cyberspace)
Subject Areas :
Badie Ghorbani
Somayeh Tajik Ismaeili
Sarvnaz Torbati
1 - PhD Student in Communication Sciences, Department of Social Communication Sciences, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication Sciences, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication Sciences, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: اینترنت, فضای مجازی, Life skills, Internet, Cyberspace, مصرف رسانهای, media consumption, شهروندان تهرانی, مهارت زندگی, citizens of Tehran,
Abstract :
The present study was designed and conducted to investigate the role of media consumption (amount and type of Internet and cyberspace use) in the life skills of Tehran citizens The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of method and measurement tool is a questionnaire The statistical population includes all citizens living in Tehran, which according to the last census in 2016 and according to the statistics available on the website of the Statistics Center of Iran is 8,693,706 people The research questionnaires were distributed through a google form among a sample of 396 people, distributed, collected, and after the necessary controls, data were analyzed using SPSS Findings showed that spending time in cyberspace with positive thinking skills, understanding the principles of freedom, justice and equality, has a positive relationship with the skills of public participation, decision making, mental health, problem solving skills, self-awareness skills, negative relationship and It is meaningful People who usually spend time researching and receiving educational content on the Internet and cyberspace include: self-awareness skills, interpersonal relationships, decision making, mental health, professional skills, how to gather information, skills related to and applying safety tips. And they generally have more life skills People who spend time searching for news and information on the Internet: human communication skills, interpersonal relationships, decision-making, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, how to gather information, demonstrate social behaviors, professional skills, participation in Beneficial activities generally have more life skills. People who spend time chatting with friends, relatives, and colleagues on the Internet are more likely to: Interpersonal relationships, showing social behaviors. People who spend time on the Internet downloading and uploading various images, movies, and videos have more skills: public participation, showing social behaviors People who usually spend time browsing various social networks and monitoring the content produced by others on the Internet have less: Interpersonal relationships.