Investigation of the love concept in the poems of Jamil bin Muammar based on the Plato's Symposium
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Reyhane Sardar
Ali Ganjian Khenari
Seyed Ebrahim Dibaji
1 - Ph.D Student of Arabic Language and Literature at Islamic Azad University, Olom Tahghighat Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor at Allame Tabataba’I University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor of Arabic Language and literature, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Platonic love, Ozri Poems, Ozri love, Plato's Symposium, Jamil bin Muammar, Omavi poem, plato's philosophy,
Abstract :
Plato is one of the three great philosopher in classical Greece. The human being and his problems are the main concerns in his works. Then, the major efforts in his philosophical essays is paying attention to the human issues like ethics, justice, love etc. . . . Since past, Plato’s written works, due to their ethical and idealistic point of view, has drawn the attention of western and eastern philosophers and his ideas has been welcomed by Muslim philosophers and even Islamic mysticism has been influenced by Plato’s ideas. One of the concepts he has addressed is love. Plato has paid attention to the concept of love in three works called Phaedrus, the Republic, and in Special Way of Symposium. The Symposium is a narrative of the six Athenian’s dialect (including Socrates) about love that Plato is narrating. In the present study, we tried to investigate the concept of love in the Ozri love-seeker poet's book, Jamil bin Muammar, with an analytical and comparative approach based on the opinions expressed in Symposium and in a Particular Way according to Socrates opinions. In other words this study is a comparative investigation between viewpoint of Plato as a cultured philosopher and Jamil bin Muammar as a poet who has been lived in an Islamic society and has been purified by Islamic morality. Therefor, the study aims to discovering the common points and ideas in the Symposium and poems of Jamil. What has come out of this investigation is that some aspects of the opinions presented in Symposium, especially Socrates opinions are seen in the lyrics of Jamil Bin Muammar and his view of love. We see these aspects in the cores of the love’s interstitial nature of love, seeking half-lost (or alter ego), characteristic of immortality of love, and love and courage.
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