Night, a gallery of similar symbolic visual images in the poetry of Forough Farrokhzad and Nazik al-Malaika
Subject Areas : Literary criticismAhmad Nohairat 1 , Jamil Jafari 2
1 - Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran
Keywords: Similarity, comparative literature, Nazik al-Malaika, Night, Forough Farrokhzad, visual image,
Abstract :
Studying poets in Arabic and Persian literature with a comparative view reveals angles that are still unknown to writers and critics, and sheds light on matters of importance to scholars. From this perspective, this research aims to compare the poetry of two famous poets, one of them is Forugh Farrokhzad in Persian literature, and the second is Nazik al-Malaikah in Arabic literature, in their treatment of the phenomenon of night and the study of its repercussions in the human conscience. The two poets evoked the night with a pessimistic view as a source of fear. And they were inspired by it a lot of their meanings and their visual and symbolic images. The research relied on the descriptive-analytical approach and dealt with the following topics: First: extrapolation of the similar visual and symbolic images of the two poets in depicting the night; Second: adopting four approaches to research from four psychological states of the two poets: fear, anxiety, despair, and fatigue; Third: Clarifying the visual image for each of them at each entrance. Fourth: Explanation of the symbolic significance of each picture separately. The results of this study indicate that the two poets were similar in depicting night images in five points; The first: The two poets found the night the best way to express their emotions and their volatile female feelings. The second: The two poets invoked the night to express their negative view of life.