The Symptoms of narcissism in the poetry of Abu al-a'lā al-Maʽrrī (according to the psychological theory of Otto Kernberg)
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Iran
Keywords: narcissism cosequences, Abu al-a'lā al-Maʽrrī, psychological theory, Saqṭ al-zand (The Tinder Spark),
Abstract :
Recent psychological studies define the phenomenon of narcissism as an excessive feeling of self-aggrandizement and self-esteem. This definition is provided by Otto Kernberg, a contemporary psychologist, is the basis for recognition narcissist personality. He introduces a clear definition of disturbed narcissist character in the light of eleven clear attributes, including inclination to show one's pride, strength and fame and preference of his/her parents and family over others and complaint of enviouses. Therefore, this article deals with narcissism according to Otto Kernberg psychological views and by use of a psychological method to disclose narcissism phenomenon and its consequences in the poems of Abu al-a'lā al-Maʽrrī, the famous Abbasid poet. We can observe the manifestations of narcissism in most of the poet's poetry, but his pride in his famous book entitled Saqṭ al-zand (The Tinder Spark), is almost a pure and sincere mirror that reflects the narcissism of the poet and its echoes. We tried to shed light on the most important reasons and factors of the emergence of this psychological phenomenon in the poet. Therefore, he can be considered a narcissistic figure, according to the psychological analyst Kernberg. One of the most important consequences of the narcissism phenomenon in the poet's character is that he is passionate about himself and his poetry and exaggerates his self-esteem and favored himself and his people over all the sons of his race.
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