Hamd-Al-Hamd's Zaman-Al-Boh : The Study of Theological, Moral Obligations and Realistic Elements
Subject Areas : Literary criticismSeyed E brahim Arman 1 , Nilufar Khoda Bakhshi 2
1 - Assistant Prof. Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch
2 - M.A. Student , Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch
Keywords: novel, الروایة, القصة, story, حمد الحمد, المضمون, الواقع, Hamd-Al-Hamd, theme, Real,
Abstract :
Storytelling is a common phenomenon in all cultures. The Arab people also have recognized it and have preserved some of its heroes as well as the historical, moral heritage during different ages. However, novel and its elements is a modern genre which is borrowed from Europeans. The present paper examines the realistic novel of the master writer Hamd-Al-Hamd. The reader will eagerly pursue all cultural , and social transformations in his novel. The paper focuses on the writer's devotion to the real life, incidents, and events.
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