Analysis and Comparison between the Roman's Portrait in Abu Tamam's and Abu Feras Alhamedani's War Poetry
Subject Areas : Literary criticismAbdolghani Iravani Zadeh 1 , Zahra Bagheri Varzaneh 2
1 - Associate Prof., Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - M.A. student, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: أبوتمام, أبو فراس الحمدانی, الأشعار الحربیة, الروم, Abutamam, Abuferas alhamedani, war poems, the Romans,
Abstract :
In Abbasi era, in addition to tribal wars, many wars have been made between Abbasian caliphs against Romans and khoramian ones and also between Hamedanian caliphs against Roman ones. For analyzing Arab wars, this article using descriptive-analyzing method considered the war poems of two famous poets of third and forth centuries who lived in similar conditions and their religion was Islam and their enemy was Rome .One of them, Abutamam Altai, participated in wars through his clear expression and his poems. The other is Abuferas Hamedani who took part in wars giving his alls. But Abutamam described wars between Muslims and the Roman in his eulogistic odes which is why he began most of these odes by lyricism or describing wreckages. He has no choice but to describe wars in the way that the praised and admired. Anyway, he could revive the remembrance of commanders like Abu said Alsaqari who had been forgotten in history. But Abu Feras described wars in his eulogistic bragging odes directly without lyricism and redundancy. So the poems of both poets including reality not imagination are considered important documents for history.
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