Divan Literary Society: The Growth of Literature and Criticism in Twentieth Century
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University,Dehdast Branch
Keywords: التجدید, التقلید, النقد, الأدب, literary criticism, الدیوان, Divan Society,
Abstract :
Through a detailed investigation in the contemporary Arabic literature during 20th century it can be inferred that literature and art has developed remarkably towards innovation and away from imitation. It is natural that this lunge has not occurred overnight. In fact, in literature no change is feasible without the proper and sufficient background. These backgrounds provide the new tendencies and dimensions in literary arena. Among these the impact of Divan literary society as followers of some special schools is undeniable. As the pioneer of inventiveness and novelty Divan literary society has achieved vehement thoughts such as horizontal and vertical cohesion of the poem, personal poetic experiences ,poetic formalism, freedom of interpretation, the originality of conscience,etc through a comprehensive analysis and speculations on contemporary western literature as well as the pure Arabic literature. The Society paved the way for the emergence of new literature regardless of some failure at the outset and opened up a new literature, incomparable to the past. On the road to success, some other literary societies in West and East cooperated to wear the tattered coat of imitation off the weary body of literature and poetry.
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