Mohamadieh Truth in Prophetic Praising by Khaqani Shervani
Subject Areas : Literary criticismhamid reza heidari 1 , ebrahim khalili 2
1 - أستاذ مساعد فی قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها بجامعة العلامة الطباطبائی، طهران، إیران
2 - طالب مرحلة الماجستیر فی قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها بجامعة العلامة الطباطبائی، طهران، إیران
Keywords: Khaqani, المدیح النبوی, الحقیقة المحمدیة, تفضیل النبی, الخاقانی, Prophetic praising, Mohammadieh truth, Prophet's superiority,
Abstract :
Mohammadieh Truth is one of the beliefs some of whose aspects could be inferred from Koran verses, prophetic and Qodsi sayingsand most Sufis also believe in it. Mohammadieh Truth is based on three principles: first, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has been created before creation of whole universe and his prophesy has been occurred before creation of Adam; second, it isProphet Muhammad who is the cause for universe creation and third, Prophet Muhammad is superior of other creations. This study aims to investigate Khaqani's poem and belief in Mohammadiehtruth in addition to referring to interpretations, verses of Quran and related narrations. Among Arabic and Persian poets, poets as KhaqaniShervani and Busiri believe in Mohammadieh Truth and reflect such belief in their poems. In this study, Khaqani's poems about Mohammadieh truth have been extracted and having translatedverses of the poemsinto Arabic language, they have been analyzed. In his poem, Khaqani describes Prophet Muhammad as the best creature and noblest prophet and believes that Muhammad’s light has been just created before the creation of Adam and the reason for his late physical creation is his perfection. Therefore, Adam is considered as blossom of Prophetic tree and Prophet Muhammad as its fruit. While believing in superiority of Islamic prophet over other prophets inspired by some saying and narrations, Khaqaniregards Prophet Muhammad as the cause of creation.
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